Thursday, February 26, 2015

Didn't make it to the rec center

Up pretty early to read in bed. Visited with Denny as he got ready for work. At school a student's knee gave out and I helped her to the car after her mom came to get her. Planned to make pancakes, bacon and orange julius tomorrow. The African violet looks pretty poorly. I think it got too cold sitting by my window. FFA made burgers for lunch. By C lunch when I ate, most of buns were gone and I ate mine without a bun. Still tasted good. I read with a student during success. I worked on class plans for the next 2 weeks. At home Denny and I chilled in the sunroom. We really like the two blue swivel chairs. To bed by 8:30. Don't know why we are so tired. ? Cute Pictures I found on Face book of Lindgrens.

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