Thursday, February 5, 2015

Study at Sue's and off to DM

Light on a 5.  I like working in bed until 6 on reading and writing and computer.  I wonder if it will continue when I go back to work.   Darn Keelie poops in the garage.  2 piles I had to take out this am.  I got a lot done this am.  Wrote check to St. Lukes.  Wrote on anniversary squares for Cooks. Mailed a survey in.  Looked at IPERS stuff.  Got winter travel bag from the bunk house.  Phoned Jean to spend the night there.  I met Denny at church for lunch.  I phoned Beckman motors to order a fan for the Jeep's radiator.  When I had the oil change yesterday the service department said it was broken and not working. Then to Doses where I fell on the sidewalk in front of their place. Then to Sue's for Bible study.  It was really good to meet with them.  I left for DM at 3:45 and got to Indianola about 6:30.  Jean bought me a taco salad to eat.  Nice and relaxing just to hang out with them and watch TV.

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