Thursday, March 24, 2016

2 hour late start changes to no school today

I could have slept in, but no... I got up and going ... only to have school canceled.  I went to Jensens and we read 2 stories from the Sunday book.  Anabel worked on her handsprings,  and then we colored easter eggs.  I went home to watch a movie, then went to school to get  plans ready for my substitute on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Next to Arthur to get Denny and take him to IG to get a bank picture taken.  YEA!  Soon we will be off.  We left the farm about 6 and got to Savannah about 10.  So good to see everyone.  I gave the Grands bunnies from Lenora.  No interest in soft night shirt.  In bed by 11.  It will be a short night.  YEA!!!  Getting up about 3:45 to go to KC airport.
Denny wore a headlamp to get ready for work.  The electricity was out from 3 am until 7:45 when Denny came in because the garage door opener didn't work without electricity.  Presto the power was on.

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