Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Slept until 7. Sweet.  I already wrote about the day, but I must have erased it by mistake.  We were sitting out on the deck and having coffee when Mandy texted and said,"What are you up to?".  Hense this picture.  She was on her way to clinicals in IG.  Joan stopped over for coffee before she headed out to get her car serviced.  We headed to Progresso about 10.  I drove.  First stop across the border was a dentists office that Bruce had gone to.  I got an estimate on bridgework.  Quite a difference between it and IG.  340/1200.  We went up 4 stories in the Angel restaurant and ate up there.  My food wasn't my favorite, but Denny had good tamales. Back down at street level,I bought a red top/dress and got my shoes shined.  That guy really worked.  He did such a good job for $1, Denny got his shoes shined, too,  and we doubled his wages.  We walked down the street 4-5 blocks and then back toward the car on the other side of the street.  From a second floor overlook we watched the happenings in the street, cars being shined, wares being sold, and the Policia driving up and down to ensure law and order?  Denny drove on the way home and I napped.  Gloria had a deck recliner that Jack used to use that whe gave to us.  We invited her down for a salad supper.  She left her golf cart for us to tool around in.  Kind of old fashioned Scooping the Loop.   We watched some movies and the Hallmark channel and headed to sleep.   Great day in the Valley ....  and Progresso.   Lots of text comments with kids at night.  They make us smile.

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