Thursday, March 3, 2016

A long day with an early out

In bed until 6:45. Issue in SH with phone use.  Ind Living moved to classroom to make way for veg. cutting lesson.  Lord, help me.    I fail so often from what I need to be. Early out and PD.  Nice success plan for March 11 with kids.  They write positive comments on the board about the student and take a picture on their phones of the white board. It looks like a good activity.  Only 2 in our group for OECD.  After school I headed to Wall Lake for a haircut.  Then home to score writing probes.  At Awana a nice mom from Battle Creek brought another 2 clubbers.  She is already bringing her 2 and at least one other neighboor child.  Denny had a fun night, he got to work with clubbers, not just oversee.  I gave Laura a ride home after Awana.  I had left my phone at school, so I looked over a couple of class period assignments.  Home and to bed by 9:15.  :)  We got a thank you text from U's, Thanking us for the meal.

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