Saturday, March 12, 2016

Great day in the valley .... No ... great day in NE Iowa

I woke up about 5 and showered and then went to Craig's with the hope he would be up by 5:30 ... yup he was.  We visited I went back to Bruce's and we both went to Craig's and he took us to the pond renovation.  It is going to be pretty cool.  2 pond, one on Craig's land, one on Bruce's land. He is planning to build a cabin down there.  The guy said he would start in April.  Wow!! Craig is planning on having family camp there during Nordic Fest.  I called Mugs on the way to Decorah.  She is working at the store all day.  I called sisters, Boy is the reception terrible when we talk!!!!  Still I like visiting with them every week.  But what a bad connection.  At Barb H. there were 8 of Jean's classmates.  Nice to see them.  Then to Lenora's.  We watched the DVD of their 50th anniversary with the laptop right there on Lenora's lap.  It was good to see Mom and Dad laughing at the program.  Mandy and Luke climbed up on the folk's laps, so cute!!.  I called Craig and ordered  Mabe's pizza.  A thrift store was having fill a bag for $4, so I got treasures.  I called Bruce on the way and we ate a What's New.  I took a quick nap before heading to town.  Margaret and I had a quick but really nice time of catching up with each other.  When I was at Lenora's at 4, she was resting.  I slept for a while then decided to give her a hug and leave,   We visited, it was so nice.  What a treasure she is!!! She said one of the things she lived by was... don't judge other people.  I tried to video her words, but it didn't' work, I was so disappointed.  I guess I will just have to treasure what I remember.  I left Decorah about 5, drove straight thru, it was kinda drizzly about half the way. and got home at 9.  Really 10 with spring forward.  I am so thankful I went.  Keely is not feeling the best.  She did not finish her dog food.  Jason got his picture in the paper from being at the ISU basketball game in Kansas City.

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