Saturday, March 26, 2016

We are here!!!

Thanks for an early morning taxi to the KC airport! :)  The flights went well and Danny picked us up at the Brownsville airport at 10:30. Nancy had left us frozen mix so we had it on the deck with pizza for lunch.  Denny napped inside and I started inside and then found a place in the sun for about an hour.  I stopped to say hi to Gloria then went swimming.  At 5 we walked to Johnny's and rode with them and Terri and Danny to Harlingen.  The place we planned to eat was closed and so we went to Texas Roadhouse.  Good food.  Oour steak came back first pretty under done and so we sent it back.  Everyone was done eating by the time we got our steak back.  We went to Fun and Sun to dance from 8-10.  Nice time.  Very nice time.  Too tired to hot tub when we got home.  So straight to bed.  Great day in the Valley.  Jensen's and Mo. Johnsons were eating supper together before going to KP.  Anabel has got her handspring pretty well down

.  :)

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