Friday, March 11, 2016

So thankful I came to Decorah

FFA had a great breakfast for the teachers.  It was so good.  Pretty regular day at school.  I did go to flex and ger a probe done. And a student and I went to Lisa's class during 4th hour.  Ind Living was fixing fruit parfait when Mr. M walked thru.  During success there was the write positive comments on the white board for each student.  I laughed out loud.  I knew some might have a hard time thinking of  positive phrases and so I goggled it and printed off a list of about 100.  The guys used some of the phrases.  Discreet,  Alluring,  Dazzling obedient charming, Kind, steadfast, plucky, sensitive, energetic proud, Frank, alert, eager  enchanting.   I left for Decorah at 3:40.  The traffic was backed up to Gomaco, but after that smooth sailing. I got to Decorah about 7:45.  No stops. Sweet to see 4 siblings.  I stayed and visited with Rachel, Al and Lenora, then about 8:30 we went to Judy's house.  We had cake for Rachel's birthday and watched the DVD of the 50th anniversary of Carl and Lenora.  What a great time.  I filled with gas and got to Bruce's about 11.  I am so thankful I came to Decorah.  What a special lady she is.  Thank you, Jesus, for the people you have put in my life.

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