Saturday, March 5, 2016

Cherokee board games.

I finished 2 on line AEA trainings while I was still in bed. I enjoyed my coffee. At 9 met with homeschool family in Arthur.   On the way home, I could see Evan had his bike on the lane, so I stopped.  He said he was riding his bike out to the mailbox when he saw 3 cats were following him.   He stopped and just petted and loved those cats.  It was so sweet.  I wrote thank you notes and got them in the mail.  Gary called and talked to Denny.  After lunch Denny washed the vehicles.  I carried dahlia bulbs out to the heated cooler.  I am hoping they will sprout faster there than in the basement shower room that is a little cooler.    We headed to Cherokee about5 and got there at 6.  Jan and John came about 7 and we had a great meal, then played a board game.  (Not sure of the name, but it was fun.)  It was kind of a pictionary pass around the table.  Megan and Jordan stopped over and played a couple of rounds of the game.   Before we headed home we got Salad fixings at Hyvee.  Fun evening.

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