Tuesday, July 25, 2017

#3 Ragbrai Algona to Clear Lake

Netti fixed breakfast.  I ate (after I went and picked up Jean's stuff).  She and Jeff will be traveling with us for the rest of the state.  Denny ate Mr. Pork chop during the ride.  I waited for him in Garner just watching people.  Saw Mark G.  and Betsy there.  I headed to bnb in Clear Lake.  Missy and Phillip and family are in California by ocean.  Karen and Rose got to Clear Lake after 3.  Nice visit with them.  Luke is gone for the weekend, first to Philadelphia for work, then to LV with some Burlington friends.  I had texted Becca to say we were in CL.  Her support person abandoned them so they come to our bnb and took the pickup back to get their stuff in Algona.  We slept on a queen size air bed.   Jeff had a flat tire again, so he and Denny went to get new tires.  They got pizza for us to have for supper.  Jean slept on the cot in a big closet.  Jeff slept on twin air mattress.  Another good day across Iowa. 

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