Missy moved from one classroom to another down by the office for next year at school. When we moved all the stuff was just piled into boxes to carry down to the new classroom. ... Well sooner or later that needed to be sorted and put away. That day was today. When she asked me to help, I said my Thursdays were kinda full. BUT the time was right. I usually don't book anything for 5 am. And so we worked from 5-8:30 and got lots done. I headed to Ida Grove for my Dose garage fix. At home baked 2 batches of rolls, and one coffee cake. I made 16 flower bouquets. 11 sold at FM. After I got done I had flowers left and so I put together 25 small bundles for food pantry and planned to take them in at 4. Oh, Dear, The food pantry was from 1-4. Life half a dollar short, half a day gone. When I was done at FM I went to Lakeview for SS picnic. It is always a nice time. Good day. BUT after I had driven the Prius over to the CSA barn with the unsold flowers and drove the car in to the garage ... a hissing sound was heard. Yes, something big in the tire. Guess I know what I am doing tomorrow morning.

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