Monday, July 10, 2017


I baked brownies early in the am.  When Denny went to work I went out and finished weeding the lily row.  I took in a sample coffee can full of flowers to Rentals, and then went to Cherokee.  Jason was just leaving from lunch.  I got to hold / snuggle with this sweet boy while Mandy showered.  I would like a summer robe made out of the soft, soft material of Jack'e blanket.  It was great to see Siches when they stopped.   Nathan will a Senior.  I cut up veggies for Mandy and then headed home.  I picked up a swimsuit for Anabel in Holstein and some jar/vases in IG,   Denny was busy with airbnb questions when I got home.  There were several inquiries; we marvel at the interest in staying here.  After vbs Anabel came over and we put together flowers for The Bridge CSA.  She is a sweet gal, love her so. 

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