Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Fun at park at noon

Denny had an early meeting.  Boys were up, but we waited bkfast until Haley got up.  Most of the morning they were in cowboy hideout working and I picked flowers for 4-H Queen contest.  We ate lunch with Denny at 12:30.  It was so cute to see them walk to the park.  Kane ran ahead and started swinging.  Kane by mistake thru his fork in the garbage, so Denny lowered him to get it with the help of the other 2 Grands and a lot of laughter.  After lunch I mowed before heading to Atlantic where I met Becky around 6:50 at Gails.  Denny had a transitional meeting at 7.  He clipped some wires on the display case I hope to use.  Lord, guide me.  It has been so fun to have the Grands here.  I got a kick out of them playing dominoes.  We played one night and then the next day Torren and Kane took the game out to the table under the tree.  They played in the sunroom while I was getting ready to head to Atlantic.  The bnbers are not here yet.  Lord, guide them and keep them safe where ever they are.   

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