Sunday, July 16, 2017

44 miles for Denny

I was up early and folded clothes, made the bnb beds, had devotions, cleaned the kitchen, and went back to bed.  The boys got up because Keelie was barking ... at a deer by the pine trees south of the house.  I went out and put some flowers together for church.  Denny went and got the Jensen's bikes, but did not get the helmets.  Uffta!!  He came back and we had just enough time to get the kids and leave by 7:30 so Denny could be in Storm Lake.  140 people and Denny went on the 44 mile bike ride. Grands and I ate at Hardee's.  Best eating in town, up and down, and all around.  We left there and went to Hope E Free for church at 9.  James and Heidi are on sabbatical this summer, so they weren't there.    We went to ride bikes after church.   We took the trail that we had run along for the Bridge 5K race.  Back to the playground and picnic shelter by the lighthouse.  We went for pizza, pop,  and candy with the rest of the money that Denny gave us.  Then back on the bikes the other direction.  It was really pretty that direction, but there were hissing geese that we had to navigate around.  We had brought the swim suites along, but forgot the sunscreen.  Uffta!  Denny came back just as the kids were going to the beach.  Some how the beach sounded more refreshing than spending time with G'pa at Walmart.  They were in the water for about 10 minutes, then we sat in the shade under picnic shelter for about 10 minutes.  Then out in the water for 10 and back to the shade.  Matt called, as he was talking to Haley in the shelter, I lay down in the grass in the shade of a tree 10 feet away as the boys played at the playground 15 feet away.  I had texted Denny and he just texted back to say he was on his way.   Uffta!!  
We got home and took showers.   We ate brats at 6.  Denny had gone in to church at 6 only to find out his meeting was at 7, so he came home and ate too. We have had a couple of wonderful long fun days.  Thank you, Jesus.  Bedtime was welcome by all.  Missy and Phillip made it 24 hours to their destination.  A 2 week California trip.  Lord, be with them and continue to grant us all safety.  

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