Friday, July 7, 2017

Good day

It seems like I was doing something all day.  I got all of the Bridge's flowers planted.  I mowed 3/4 of the yard.  I visited alittle with bnbers.  They are believers also.  Cool.  I picked up the kitchen and did the dishes I really did not want to do.  I pruned some trees.  Okay maybe it doesn't sound like much.  That's when Denny said,"Well, did you work overtime?"  I left for Indianola about 4.  Stopped in Perry to use coupon at Shopko.  It takes me so long to try and get a deal.  Not worth it.   Jean had brats waiting for me for supper.  We had a nice time visiting out on the deck.  I put together 5 vases of flowers and Jean and I worked on rolling diapers to make a cake.  I started to stitch the binding on a quilt for Beth.  Nice day.  Mandy came home with Jack and Jensens went to visit and take them supper.  
Mat  Anderson

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