Monday, July 3, 2017

Tea party

Another fun day.  Mixed and baked a pan of brownies, I also mixed up cream cheese coffee cake, but before I could get it in the oven I followed Missy to where Phillip's truck broke down.  After I got back home the dough baked just fine.  Three gals came for a tea party.  They were so cute and nice.  Anabel, Hope and Riya.  Flowers, food and fun.  I rode with Missy afterwards to Storm Lake by way of Prairie Peddlar.   We went to The Bridge, then to the beach by King's Point.  So very sad.  So very very sad.  A little 6 year old boy drown there.  Dear Jesus, please carry the family thru these very deep waters.  Lord, may we all realize how brief our time on this earth is.  Protect and keep those we love.  Tragedies happen and our hearts break.  We have no idea how to pray, but may You bring those needs right to the Father in line with your perfect will.  Quiet ride home considering all we are blessed with and just how precious those lives are.  
     At home Denny and I shared a pretty coconut drink outside.  Our bnb family came home from Storm Lake and we visited in the coop as a storm passed by and the electricity was off.  When the electricity came on Denny grilled pork steaks for supper and we watched Heartland.

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