Wednesday, August 9, 2017


I was pretty worn out so Grands and I just chilled   in the morning.  Missy and Phillip are headed to Chicago to meet with someone from Team Nepal for a face to face interview.  Kids and I picked flowers later in the afternoon.  Our lunch was about 3.  The power went out for a while.  At 6:30 we went to Masters 100 year barn party.  One of the highlights was Nathan's 4 level tree house.  Cooks were coming out to the farm after meeting some friends at Zimmies for supper.  The kids were having a great time with other kids, so I checked with Missy, asked Kristen to watch Grands, and then came home for about 30  minutes to hold Jack.  I was back by 8:30.   I stayed and visited a little then we came home about 9:45.   They had lots to tell Grandpa, so they got to sleep pretty late

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