Saturday, August 19, 2017

FM Wedding

I made 2 batches of onion Dill buns this am.  Then loaded the car and headed to LV.  It was kind of a slow morning.  They said there was a pancake breakfast in WL and it was getting closer to the end of the summer when attendance drops off.  Sam the coffee guy was there & I bought a cup of coffee from him and he bought 2 bunches of flowers from me.  Next to IG to find Missy's classmates at the school playground.  They took a tour.  At home I worked on sunflowers and jars for Missy's reunion supper.  I barely got done at 1:18 so I had 12 minutes to get ready for the wedding.  It was a great wedding.  The jars they filled Thursday am lined the center aisle of the church.  Marshall did a great job marrying them.  Reception at Little Sioux park by Correctionville.  Beautiful day!!  Such a very nice ceremony and family.  Thank you, Jesus.

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