Thursday, August 24, 2017


It was another full wonderful day.  I got up and used most of my flour to make a batch of onion dill buns.  I had just enough flour for a second batch in the bread machine before I headed to IG.  Uffta!!! I realized I put 1/2 cup oil instead of 1/4 cup oil in the batch!!  This is not good; I had no more flour, but I remembered I had some whole wheat flour in the closet. I tried to salvage a double batch of whole wheat buns from that mix up.  I went to IG Dose GS and grocery store.  At home I made brownies, coffeecake and PB bars.  Plus the second batch of OD buns and 2 batches of salvaged WW buns.  Uffta!!!  9 of us were here for study.  TP SG SG DW RT LN JP GA.  I was bagging up bars during the dvd play time and then Mandy called and we visited.  I loaded the car and headed to FM.  One gal came about 4:45 and said she wanted to buy flowers. She asked if I remembered that i gave her flowers last week and she really enjoyed them.  She gave me a wooden cross she had made. That was so nice, but I, like a fool, did not get her name.  It was so kind of her to make that for me.  I brought in I think my 2 season record amount at the FM.  Lynn and Toshi came over after the FM and we visited in the yard on a beautiful evening.  What a great day!!  120

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