Saturday, August 5, 2017

Lakeview FM Cherokee

Looking forward to today!!!  Lord, guide us each step of the way.  I headed to Lakeview about 7:15.  The farmer's market was there.  They said it was a little lower in number, perhaps because of the funeral.  The airbnb family is at our home for the funeral.  I sold about 9 flowers and several pesto.  Then I headed to Cherokee.  Jack is 1 month old.  What a sweetie!!! I got to hold him lots.  Jason and Denny worked on the frame for the concrete pad for the hot tub.  We stayed until after 6, then headed home and scrambles eggs with cheese for supper and watched Net-flick in bed.  Great day!!
No place I would rather be than holding a sleeping grandchild!!!  Should hashtag that. 

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