Tuesday, August 8, 2017

PEO fundraiser

Beautiful morning.  Great day for a garden party.  I headed to IG to pick up the 3 bunches of flowers that didn't sell and 3 bags of mulch.  At 10 Carol, Sandy and Kay came out to get ready.  Carol and I decided on dishes, and the other 2 got tables set up for 40 with table clothes, runners, doilies and cream pitchers.  In the CSA they cleaned up chairs that Missy brought down from upstairs.  They did so MUCH better that I would have.  They divided the flowers from bouquets into separate containers for reuse.   I chilled and practiced my flower arranging talk in the afternoon.  About 39 women were at the garden.  Beautiful evening.  They did all the food prep and serving.  I gave a talk and it went okay.  The gals used up all of the flowers that I had put in the bunches that hadn't sold.  So fun to see all the ladies just enjoying themselves in the beauty of God's nature.  Jan and Andrea come down from Cherokee.  Great pix of Jack.     Kids came over after all the gals had left.

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