Well, my travel plans turned out ok, but it was questionable for a while. When we woke up there was a pretty fog and I didn't think any thing of it, BUT it did affect my trip. The 6 am flight out of Brownsville was canceled because of fog. The plane flight I was scheduled to take at 11:40 comes in from Dallas and it could not leave Dallas because of the fog. SO I got the info that my flight was canceled after I was at the airport at 9:30 and had checked in, but my luggage had not gone thru TSA. Expedia called me as I stood in line waiting with about 12 people in from of me to get another flight booked. I am so glad Denny was there with me. He sat with my 2 big suitcases as I stood in line and talked to the expedia representative on the phone. Did I say the airport is being remodeled and so we weren't sure where the airport parking was. Denny let me off to start the process and then went to park.
[Also, I should add, my plan A was to weigh my suitcases at 8 am and check that they were under 50 pounds. We were running late and took the luggage to the airport counter at 8:45 thinking I would check in at that time, BUT a drill Sargent from American Airlines with a thick German accent said I Could Not be checked in with out my visa and I had left it back at the trailer. So home we went, I took a quick shower, I asked Denny not to take the time to shower, but just take me to the airport with Visa and luggage. ]
So I was talking to gal on phone. She said I could get a later flight, leaving Brownsville at 6 pm, fly to Dallas, fly to London, Fly to Doha, and catch the same flight to Katmandu as I was booked on. UFFDA!!! That did not sound fun to me. As I was talking to her the line kept moving to the counter slowly. And I kept telling her how many people were ahead of me.
They made a flight at 11 am for the 6 am (10 people) that could not takeoff because of fog. WOULD THE LINE MOVE FAST ENOUGH TO GET ME ON THAT 11 am flight????
YES!!!! It did, They re-ticketed me for 11 am flight. I could make all the connections
without going thru London. They re-tagged my luggage, BUT (as I later discovered when my suitcases weren't in Katmandu) my luggage claim that I received from American Airlines said my bags were going thru London. UFFDA!!
SO I was set to go, I kissed Denny "Goodbye" and he said the sweetest prayer for my travels. Thank you, Jesus, for my husband. After I had gone thru the check in I sat, read and then used the bathroom. No tp or towels. Uffda!. I traveled to Dallas with out any complications. Yea!!
I had about a 4 hour layover in Dallas which I spent finishing the book I brought along and watching people. It was good I did finish it and left it at the airport. Thanks, 4 Seasons library! There were Lots of people in wheel chairs boarding the Qatar flight to Doha. I mentioned it to one N. lady and she said they were taking advantage of the system. I didn't know that was an option :) and I was thankful I didn't have to use a wheelchair. The flight to Doha was 14 plus hours. We left at 5:30 the 27th and arrived 4:40 pm the following day. I still don't know how all that works. One good thing on that flight was that there was an empty seat between me and the man passenger in our 3 seat grouping. AND I was happy that the screen had the first seasons of Friends available. SO I watched and ate and had complimentary beverages ... and took a tylenol pm to sleep a little. I did enjoy the relaxing time of travel. I do not enjoy having my flight canceled and then making different arrangements. Thank you for prayers and God working. Non eventful trip across the Atlantic ocean. Bring on the next day.
