Thursday, January 9, 2020

At the park!!

Another nice breakfast for Denny out on the deck.   I keep forgetting to ice my knee and hip as prescribed by NP.  Uffta!!  Actually it is Uffda!!  I stand corrected on all the times I said it wrong.  LIKE ANYONE REALLY CARES!  Judy came over and gave me a perm this morning.  CURLY!!   I had 7 gals at study this afternoon  Hilda, Julie M, Julie D. Kay, Sharon, Mert, and me.  Denny joined the neighborhood guys hanging out.  I read in the sun a couple of hours.  Kay and Gail played a chair yoga tape.  Leeann stopped to visit and give Dennt this t shirt and wristband for the walk across the cosway Saturday morning.  We ate out on the deck and I went to visit with Gloria before she heads out tomorrow morning early to go to John's memorial.  The kids had phone call tonight.  Two good sayings from the book I am reading.  Light from Heaven by Jan Karon.  Churchill said,"We're always getting ready to live, but never living."  Henry Canby said,"Live deep instead of fast."

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