Monday, January 20, 2020

Fun week

So fun!!!  Darts at 9:30.   I did awful, but Denny, Kathy and their team got second.  Then at 2 I played pickle ball.  Louise and I got second, we lost to Bruce and Leann.  We invited PB people over after a surprise b'day party for Dave.  Surprisingly we used dock where the sun shone on us and then moved to the deck.  At 6 I played ponytail.  We came in third.  Quite the day.  Oh, yes.  During ponytail I looked at my wrist.  It was colorful,  I remembered I had fallen in PB and hurt it during the second game.  It hurt while I continued to play, but ... the game must go on.  Gail left this noon to go to Madison to spend time with Hope as Todd gets his knee scoped.

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