Wednesday, January 1, 2020

December 31, 2019 Lord, thank you for 2019

It was a great year!!!  And this day was pretty good, too.  I decided not to walk this am, 'cause my left side/knees/hip were hurting.   I ran the sprayer on the dock before Denny used the sprayer and finished cleaning off the deck.   Denny's uncle Warren (Swede) L. died yesterday.  93 years old.  2 years older than Denny's mom, Anabel.  In the afternoon we went to Walmart to get some supplies.  We went to New Year's dance from 8-12.  Fun night and then afterwards we went to Bill and Kathy's fire pit.  Thank you, Jesus, for family, friends and the promises of the Bible.

Mileage of vehicles:
Pick up:

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