Friday, January 3, 2020

Brownsville First Friday

My day started happy getting and reading a First Friday email from N.   Then Missy facetimed me to let me know that they were using the second bag of chocolate chips to put in bars.  The first bag they doled out a few chips at a time and really savored the treat slowly.  I took Nancy over to Port Isabel for her choir practice.  I went to the Island beach for a little while then I came back and picked Nancy up and we got groceries at HEB.  Denny was spraying the trailer while we were gone.   I read in the sun and when Denny was done spraying I used the sprayer to spray off the dock.  Kathy texted and invited us to go with them to Brownsville First Friday.  It sounded good so off we went.  We ate at a pizza place and walked to hear another band.

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