Monday, April 27, 2020

Beautiful day

Denny headed off Hi ho Hi ho ... to drive tractor about 7:30. I moved most of plants out of the sun room and vacuumed and cleaned.  Now that needed to be done.  AND now I am sure the weather will take a turn for the worse and I will have to bring them in or cover them.  I am not really sure about my Texas plants if they can take 40 degree weather.   We'll see.  The ranunculus that I put in the Kool bot look pretty good.   I mowed half of the lawn, planted some asters, and weeded in the grassy flower bed until my phone battery died.
So thankful for Mandy who is on the front line of the Covid 19 battle. 
So thankful for Missy who had my back each step of the way during my N. trek. 
I consider both of these ladies, angels. 

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