Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Day on the farm and in the tractor

Denny was up and going at getting coffee and breakfast before 7.  UFFDA!!  Now that's early for a retired ... tired  guy.  I got the letters to the Mo Jo's in the mail.  It is now 9 pm and he's not home yet.  I spent the day outside doing 'dirt under the fingernails' stuff.  Raked some leaves, trimmed some bushes, lawn "mowered up" some leaves, made 140 soil cubes. sprayed round up on grasses in flower bed, hauled dead plants that were too big to "Mower up" to the grove,  planted 100 ranunculus into the cubes, scraped the east side of the bunk house foundation, tired and so then I set up the hammock.  I gave Kathy R. a call at 5 to catch up on her life.  At 7 we had a family group call/video.  SO good to see/hear about family's lives.  Watched some tv before heading to bed.

Pretty quilt at picnic time in Minneapolis.  Rose using training wheel bike while Dad runs.

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