Saturday, April 25, 2020

Prime rib from Best of Barbs's

Denny left around 7:15 to drive tractor.   I worked on i memories and then went out and dug a couple of pails for dirt from the bunkhouse lower level.  I raked the flower area and set out some rugs and wire supports.  Around 3 I headed into IG.  Stopped at Bomgaars to get tordon and roundup.  I got a few groceries and 2 lp tanks.  and stopped to get the prime rib I ordered at 4:30.   Surprize after I stopped at Brownies to get Denny a twin bing twister, I called him and he was home.  Wow did we have a great meal out on the patio.  It was SO good.

Lord, May my kids leave precious memories with my grands during this time, so when Haley, Evan, TJ, Anabel, Brooks, Kane, and the 4 littles are Grandparents .... they can answer ....

Child - "How old are you, Grandpa?"
Grandpa - "I'm 81, dear."
Child - "So does that mean you were alive during the Coronavirus?"
Grandpa - "Yes, I was."
Child - "Wow. That must have been horrible, Grandpa. We were learning about that at school this week.

They told us about how all the schools had closed. And moms and dads couldn't go to work so didn't have as much money to do nice things.
They said that you weren't allowed to go and visit your friends and family and couldn't go out anywhere.
They told us that the shops and stores ran out of lots of things so you didn't have much bread, and flour, and toilet rolls.
They said that summer holidays were cancelled. And they told us about all those thousands of people that got very sick and who died.
They explained how hard all the doctors and nurses and all essential workers worked, and that lots of them died, too.

That must have been so horrible, grandpa!"

Grandpa - "Well, that is all correct.
And I know that because I read about it when I was older.
But to tell you the truth I remember it differently...

I remember playing in the garden for hours with mom and dad and having picnics outside and lots of bbqs.
I remember making things and fishing with my Dad and baking with my Mom.
I remember making forts and learning how to do hand stands and back flips. I remember having quality time with my family.
I remember Mom's favorite words becoming 'Hey, I've got an idea...'
Rather than 'Maybe later or tomorrow I'm a bit busy'.
I remember making our own bread and pastry. I remember having movie night three or four times a week instead of just one.

It was a horrible time for lots of people you are right.
But I remember it differently."

Remember how our children will remember these times.
Be in control of the memories they are creating right now, so that through all the awful headlines and emotional stories for so many that they will come to read in future years, they can remember the happy times.

Author unknown 💕

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