Monday, November 30, 2020

packing up!!

 It was a nice slow morning... getting up and starting to clean and pack.  It is now almost 8 pm and the car is pretty much packed.  Just some top chico water bottles and snacks.  It looks like we can get on the road in the am ... depending on what time we get up.  Most of the house has had a light vacuum.  Tools are air sprayed off and packed.  Car had been cleaned on the inside and washed and driven in the muddy weather on the outside.  Coffee is ready to be made.  Bagels are ready to toast.  Computers/ speakers/ Apple tv packed.  Clothes, plants, some dishes/napkins packed.  We fixed Scotta supper with Jensens in the garage. IT"S GOTTA GO!! scotta.... Zuppa soup with added party potatoes ... hamburger/salsa/ cheese and chips,  ... creamed asparagus, ... sausage gravy/soup... shredded pork  on buns... and baked crab ragoon that I made with Anabel. We have so much to be thankful for this last 5+ months that Jensens have been with us.  Thank you, Jesus.  Lord, grant us a safe healthy trip to and stay in Brownsville.   I am looking forward to warmer weather.


Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sunday November 29

I heard Lincoln in the basement and went down to get him.   Denny came out and made coffee and played with Lincoln and I went back to sleep in the sunroom.   I got all the breakfast leftovers out to eat.  Mandy and Jason left about 10 to work on basement flooring.  Luke and Karen left about noon to be home by dark.  We headed to nap and chill for the rest of the day.  

Saturday November 28

 It's Christmas here at the farm.   We opened gifts in the living room. Crowded and chaotic, but so fun!!  Lots of laughter and clutter and caring.  Luke put together Lincoln's cozy coop.  It was a beautiful day and we spent most of the afternoon outside.  Around 5 we had Zuppa soup in the coop.  Matt's family left for Kingsley.   

Friday, November 27, 2020

Home with Cooks and Jensens

Matt and family left for a visit to friends in Savannah.  Denny got up to fix sausage and eggs for breakfast.  Looks like a beautiful day.   

Getting ready!!!

Up and running .... errrrrrr .... baking.   I made 2 batches of cinnamon rolls, 20 dill onion rolls, pumpkin dessert, spinach artichoke dip, creamed asparagus.   Man, does it mess up my kitchen!!!  I'm working on my blog to avoid cleaning the kitchen.  Denny worked outside with Brooks getting the smoker, cabin, and everything ready for family.  Matt's family got here around 4:30.  SO GOOD.  Missy had scheduled haircuts for boys at 5.   We ate BBQ meatballs in the coop.   So good to be together!!!  Pictures fromTurkey trot Thanksgiving morning.  

Happy Thanksgiving

Fun day at the farm.   I was up and fixing sausage and biscuits for people as they got up.  The smoker was running well. 13 out of 16 of us went on a turkey trot.   Some running, some walking up the hills, some riding a bike, the littles in the stroller  beautiful morning.   We ate out in the garage,   Becky had brought fun paper table cloth for coloring.  Naps after cleanup.  We visited with Luke and family several times this weekend.  They are having a covid Thanksgiving in Minneapolis.  


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

OGT clean

 I headed to IG about 8.  Denny stayed home and cleaned.  There were about 10 of us volunteering.  Denny and I went into town to Lewis,Malcolms,Dollar G,Bomgaars,Foodpride,Brew. and home.  I fixed teriyaki beef and veggies with jalipino poppers, and Crab Ragoon.  We ate in garage and then headed to clean the Prius.  

Monday, November 23, 2020

Chilly and snowy

 I was up at 5... well awake, but not accomplishing much.  Probably put in a load of laundry:)  Denny and I cleaned coop and took tools down to machine shed.  I got all the Grand pictures hung in the coop and in the purple/gray/Luke's room.  I have give away Christmas stuff spread out on tables in the garage.   I think Denny will let it remain there until Wednesday night for a choice night.  Then whatever is left will get boxed up and Mandy will take to Goodwill.  After lunch I went in to take a nap and WAS OUT!!  And it wasn't because I was shirking cleaning the garage, but Brooks and Denny did get it done.  Nikki texted and was going to her house in Arthur.  I have been watching her progress in redoing it and I was so happy to tour it once again.  It looks great!!!  Nice slow night.  Grands are schooling, house is warm, full tummy, got a bunch done today,  LOOKING forward to this weekend. 

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Love Sundays!!

Now when Jack woke up I heard, "G'ma, get me out."  G'ma, get me out." Another 3 minutes then, "G'ma, get me out."  I went in and asked him if the ball was green or red.  He said, "Red".  I said,  "You can get out when it turns green." and I covered him and tucked him in.  Denny fixed cheese eggs.  Missy and Phillip went to preach at Hope E Free in Storm Lake.  He did a good job.  Mandy came down and watched with us.  Jason was working at the office.  After lunch and the boys were put down for naps Mandy, Anabel, Brooks and I went shopping in IG.  We got home and boys were still sleeping, so Mandy took a nap, too.  When she left Denny and I got the pictures of the Grands put in the Gray/purple/Luke's  room.  And Denny put the coat hangers in the closet under the stairway.  Lovely restful day. 

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Denny resigning job

 When Denny told Curtis on Wednesday that his last day will be Saturday (today), without skipping a beat Curtis said, "Don't you have to give a 2 week notice?"   So funny.  He left around 7 for a field south of Battle Creek.  I had phone calls at 8 and 9.  Sisters are doing fine.  Gail was at yoga and wasn't able to talk,  At 9 I had a nice visit with our kids.  Denny was out in the field for a short while and joined us.  Luke tested positive on Wednesday and they will not be heading our way.  The other 3 kids decided to go ahead with Thanksgiving get together here, (depending on everyone's health).  I straightened the bunk house and garage a little.  Gotta love my guy!!!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Home, Discing

Denny was up and going.  I headed to IG at 9 am for dermatology appointment.  I stopped at the hospital and told them I am in town doing errands and would be happy if they could fit me in before my 11:30 appointment (so I could watch OABCIG football game) .  They said come back at 9:30.  At Another Dose I wrote a check for a daybed trundle bed, (hopefully to pick up on Tuesday).  I was home about 11 and got to watch the amazing football game.  WE WON!!!   It was an amazing last 4 minutes of the game.!!!  I really had thought it was out of the reach for a win.  Missy told me to show some Faith in the team.... oh, dear.   Mandy came to leave boys with Anabel.  She is watching them for a couple nights to pay for the iPhone Mandy used before getting a new one.  I brought in 2 card tables from CSA for display table in garage.  Brooks ran the lawnmower earlier today and I ran it again before 5 to chop up some leaves.   I helped Mandy fix supper.  Denny came home from the field about 7 pm.  


Thursday, November 19, 2020

Happy 17th Birthday Haley!!

Dear Haley!  You are so special to us!!  May God bless you your whole life through!!   I thank you for adding such joy to all of our lives!!  Have a great year!!

 Last visit to Cherokee grands for the season ?????

Wow I slept until 6:20 on a day when I am heading north.   It was a quick --- put dishes away, make bed, get dressed, load dishwasher, and I am off.  It is so fun to spend the day with the boys.  After Mandy went to work, with a very painful shoulder down the right arm to the ring and pinky fingers, we went outside.  First stop sand table.  Then to get the jeep.  Now I was trying to get the overhead door open, it seemed stuck, but I couldn't find any jam that would stop it from opening.  Jack came over to watch me and said put your foot over here.  Really, Jack???? Sure enough when I straddles the lumber and moved my foot over to where he pointed the lifting point was more in the center of the door and walla  UP went the door.  It sure made me smile.  He knew what needed to be done to get his jeep out of the shed.  Pretty impressive.  Around 11. I strapped Tyler in with Jack and they made a couple laps around the house.  Tyler fell asleep sometime during that ride.  And stayed asleep as I moved him out of the jeep and held him for the next 30 minutes.  There is always time to hold a sleeping baby.  Loved it!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Sunglasses ordered

Didn't sleep well last night, but spent a lot of time just thinking about the fun I was going to have today.  Denny and I left for his eye appointment  about8.  I went to Foodpride, Spinach was on sale:  3 10 ounce boxes for $1.  I found out after I was at checkout  and so I went back to get spinach and seasoned herb stuffing.  $4 dollars would be good to spend.  but those frozen slippery boxes kept dropping out of my hands that also held 2 bags of stuffing.  OH, my pick up one, drop 3 on the way to picking up 3 drop 4.  Really I felt like a Lucy episode.  Uffda!!  Made me laugh.  We ordered sunglasses for Denny.  Merry Christmas!!!  At home Denny went to drive there tractor.  I ordered about 20 pictures from Selections.  Jensens helped me put stuff in attic and take it down.  I made spinach balls,  Sausage and flour mix for biscuits and gravy, Zuppa and a vegetable soup for Denny after he got done driving tractor.  Wonderful Day!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Once again Denny in the field

 There was a beautiful sunrise this am.  I also went out and got a few pictures of the bunk house.  Denny headed to the field about the same time I went to IG for OGT.  There were only about 10 of us there with masks on.  I went to my dental appointment at 10.   Erin was interested in the pictures of the bunk house transformation.  Missy and Phillip went to Storm Lake this am.  There were several rugs at OGT that couldn't be sent.   I used my machine and sewed them together to make a blockage for the cabin doorway between rooms.  Hopefully they will work.   Phillip is fixing chili for supper.  I am adding cinnamon rolls to the menu.  

Monday, November 16, 2020

Monday November 16 Denny in the field

 I slept poorly last night so Denny was eating breakfast when I came into the kitchen.   Brooks came up at his regular time.  He fixed eggs and sausage and hot cocoa for breakfast.  I texted dr. Chabra about a spot on my nose.  Brooks and I made 4 batches on Mexican enchiladas 3 to put in the freezer for Thanksgiving weekend, and one for us to eat tomorrow night.  After lunch Missy and Anabel peeled potatoes for party potatoes.  I moved the scrapbook boxes back to the closet under the basement stairway.  I worked a little on removing rust from the harness hooks.  

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Day of rest

I love Sundays.  I lay in bed most of the morning and listened to 3 sermons.  Relaxing.  Picture is of Haley French branding Missy's hair .. so cute!!!  Denny and I sat in bunkhouse and visited.  I have a white spot on my nose.  I'll text the doctor tomorrow to check on it.  Becky sent cookies to Luke's to cheer them up with the positive result.  The Grands DEFINATELY were cheered up.  


Saturday, November 14, 2020

Stepping up in the world....

Now I didn't sleep well last night ... NOTE TO SELF:  Faith,Do not have coffee after noon.  I finished off  6-7 ounces of Denny's cold Americono about 2 yesterday afternoon as we drove homeand I was still awake 12 hours later.  Not perfect, but I don't feel stressed when I am lying awake in bed ... just waiting ... and thinking ... and praying .... and trying to lie very very still so I don't bother Denny.   Then I think of something I can check on my phone.  Now THAT is hard for Denny.  The light from my phone keeps/awakens his.  Uffda!!!   It was not surprising he said he did not sleep well.  We went out to the bunk house and started to figure out how to put stairs in the bunk house.  Bless Denny's heart.  He figured out how to do it.  We stopped to watch the OABVIG football playoffs.  We won!!!  Then back to the bunk house.  Jensens fixed nachos for supper and we watched a movie later.