Monday, November 30, 2020

packing up!!

 It was a nice slow morning... getting up and starting to clean and pack.  It is now almost 8 pm and the car is pretty much packed.  Just some top chico water bottles and snacks.  It looks like we can get on the road in the am ... depending on what time we get up.  Most of the house has had a light vacuum.  Tools are air sprayed off and packed.  Car had been cleaned on the inside and washed and driven in the muddy weather on the outside.  Coffee is ready to be made.  Bagels are ready to toast.  Computers/ speakers/ Apple tv packed.  Clothes, plants, some dishes/napkins packed.  We fixed Scotta supper with Jensens in the garage. IT"S GOTTA GO!! scotta.... Zuppa soup with added party potatoes ... hamburger/salsa/ cheese and chips,  ... creamed asparagus, ... sausage gravy/soup... shredded pork  on buns... and baked crab ragoon that I made with Anabel. We have so much to be thankful for this last 5+ months that Jensens have been with us.  Thank you, Jesus.  Lord, grant us a safe healthy trip to and stay in Brownsville.   I am looking forward to warmer weather.


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