Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Hanging out in the bedroom

I got up and took Tylenol at 3,  my temp was 99.7.  Same temp at 7.  Denny fixed me a wonderful breakfast, then he went to eat with Brooks in the sunroom.  At 10:40 he had an appointment to get his teeth cleaned. Before he left he set me up on the laptop to look at family pictures that Jenn took in June.   Pretty fun way to spend the morning.  The room seemed chilly.  My feet are frozen, so Denny rearranged the furniture in the room and the many things that needed to be plugged in to make room for an extra heater.  Darn cold weather.   It was a struggle for me to pick out pictures for snapfish book.  I"m sure someone who knew what they were doing, would NOT take 3-5 steps to transfer photos from gingersnap, to phone, to edit photos, to laptop, to snapfish, to book project.  UFFDA!! so stressful when I am sure I am NOT doing it the most efficient way.  

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