Monday, November 23, 2020

Chilly and snowy

 I was up at 5... well awake, but not accomplishing much.  Probably put in a load of laundry:)  Denny and I cleaned coop and took tools down to machine shed.  I got all the Grand pictures hung in the coop and in the purple/gray/Luke's room.  I have give away Christmas stuff spread out on tables in the garage.   I think Denny will let it remain there until Wednesday night for a choice night.  Then whatever is left will get boxed up and Mandy will take to Goodwill.  After lunch I went in to take a nap and WAS OUT!!  And it wasn't because I was shirking cleaning the garage, but Brooks and Denny did get it done.  Nikki texted and was going to her house in Arthur.  I have been watching her progress in redoing it and I was so happy to tour it once again.  It looks great!!!  Nice slow night.  Grands are schooling, house is warm, full tummy, got a bunch done today,  LOOKING forward to this weekend. 

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