Saturday, November 21, 2020

Denny resigning job

 When Denny told Curtis on Wednesday that his last day will be Saturday (today), without skipping a beat Curtis said, "Don't you have to give a 2 week notice?"   So funny.  He left around 7 for a field south of Battle Creek.  I had phone calls at 8 and 9.  Sisters are doing fine.  Gail was at yoga and wasn't able to talk,  At 9 I had a nice visit with our kids.  Denny was out in the field for a short while and joined us.  Luke tested positive on Wednesday and they will not be heading our way.  The other 3 kids decided to go ahead with Thanksgiving get together here, (depending on everyone's health).  I straightened the bunk house and garage a little.  Gotta love my guy!!!

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