Monday, November 9, 2020

Denny on the tractor ... Me sanding

 Denny was up and rolling out to the field.  Brooks joined  me with hot cocoa on the porch.  Then I went to sheep shed and organized it a little, pulling nails out of some boards and stacking similar boards together.  I went to the upper level of the bunk house and stirred up a lot of sawdust using the electric sander from Nancy.  In the afternoon it started to turn colder and I was at a stopping place, so I went in to take a warm soaking bath.   About 5 I wasn't feeling quite right.  Chills and cold feet ... If you know me very well that is nothing out of the ordinary, but I headed to my bed to hang out.  I ran a little fever, took tylenol and decided to call it a night after notifying my family and talking to my nurse practitioner.

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