Monday, January 31, 2022

Too rainy for pickleball

 The deck was wet when I got up.  I finished the book The Return of the King by JRR Tolkien.  Not my favorite book, but I got it done.  At 10 I went with Fay to Hobby Lobby to look around.  We moved the tv around in the bedroom to try out a different floor arrangement.  We composed a letter to a prospective airbnber.  I started to go to a memorial service at church only to realize a tire was flat.  Denny got it filled with air and I went late.  I also sorted bags of clothes at church for the March garage sale.  At home Denny was happy.  He used the last of the tools that he had brought to Texas.  Bill asked to use the brad gun.  Two happy guys.  Denny washed the car after I got home.   He cleaned it in the car port while I am working on this blog, with mango salsa and a cold drink.  It is nice and warm.  

                                                                       picture from 2015

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Boca Chica

i sstayed in bed bed until time to get ready for church.  Afterwards we went to the beach with Bill and Kathy.  It was just chilling.   Sitting and absorbing the weather.  Not too warm. not too cold.  At home we watched tv a while and went to bed early.  Nice day!!

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Fun Week banquet

Up at 5, cleaned the kitchen, made coffee, DAB devo.   77 with Gail and 2 Bruces, Pickle ball, Haircut from Toni, We went to Hall at 3:30.  Guys did a ballet dance.  Award for Fun week.  Conrad and Bridget sat with us.  Dance went until 10:00 I was ready to go home at 8.  Uffda!  Later than we were thinking.  


Friday, January 28, 2022

COLD and rainy

 I fixed scrambled eggs, Denny fixed bacon, and Bruce fixed toast.  Schrums headed north, back to Iowa after we ate.  At 9 we had beanbag toss at the hall.  Fun to watch.  In the afternoon I puzzled a little, then napped and watched Denny's Fox phone news.  At 7 I went to play joker at Gail's.  Good lazy day!

Thursday, January 27, 2022

No horseshoes (Muddy ground, chance of rain), Instead Turtle races

 I got a text fromMary Kay that horseshoes was canceled.  I was on for turtle races.  It turned out pretty well.  First Sandy and Wendy, Second Denny and Bruce, Third ??? I worked on the puzzle afterwards and listened to the book.  It really isn[t my favorite.  Then I played some pickleball.  I thawed out the chicken and Denny grilled it with rice and salad as sides.  Nice last meal with Schrums before they head north tomorrow.  We played Joker and wits and wagers at Hendersons.  Good day in the Valley!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Bayside Fiesta

I  was up early and so after devo I went to put the puzzle together.  Then I batted the pickle ball around with Kathy (of KJ the3rd).  We left for SPI at 9.  Fun 6 hours listening to music at Louies' back yard.  I collage a rebuttal for Minnesota Ice structures.  We ate at Pier 19 with Fay&Jerry, Bruce and Meg &Nancy, Jean &Arlen, Gail &Bruce, Joyce &Brad.  I stopped to pick up turtles in case it rains for horse shoes tomorrow.  Nice day in the Valley

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Shuffle board at Fun week

 Well, not an early bed time.  Bruce and Denny were visiting. So I was pretty tired today.  Shirley and I won our first match, but lost the second.  Denny lost his first to Bruce.  Bruce lost his second.  That was that.  I napped and then played pickleball at 2:30.  Very fun.  At 5 the dancers came to practice on the deck.  At 6 The ladies pool contest for fun week.  Me first, Joan second, Gail third.  Uffda!!!

Monday, January 24, 2022

Darts, Pickleball, Ponytail,

UP for Darts ... My team got first.  Actually we got a bye the first game. And then won a game.  Then we  won by one point.   I went to put the puzzle together.  Next was 2 pm pickle ball.  I played with Lee and we ended up second.  At 6 was pony tail and I am quite sure our team was last place.  At home we visited with Bruce, Jean and Arlen.  

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Sunday. Funday

 Wonderful morning just me and Denny.  Nancy went to church and breakfast with Henderson’s .   After church we came home and napped.   Meg came from Fun N Sun.  We 9 played Joker at Gail’s.  At 5 we went to eat at Joe’s Oyster Bar.  I took a nap and we watched TV before heading to bed.  


Saturday, January 22, 2022

Happy Birthday, Kathy!!

Nice slow am.  Well, I guess it was pretty early when Denny got up.  By 7:30 we went to eat breakfast at the park with Bruce treating us.   From there we played pickle ball at 50 degrees weather and it wasn't too cold.   I rode with Gail and Mert to SPI and the convention hall market.  Kathy,Bill and Denny came over and we shopped a little, then went to Louis back yard, then Pier 19, then we walked on the beach and we headed back to the park.  We watched a movie and then back home to watch the end of the Packer game.  

Friday, January 21, 2022

Another cold and rainy

 I stayed in bed until 8.   We had a phone call from Missy.  Denny was still talking to Missy when I left to go and play pickle ball at Fun N Sun.  Meg checked us in.  It was really fun playing with 2 Bruces, Gail and Meg.  She invited us to lunch at her park model afterward.  So nice.  When we got home I napped.  Denny put the hand rail on the steps that go up to our from door.  We went to watch the horse races.  All together we are ahead about $10.  Hurrah for #6!!!  I got 14.75 from a 1.50 bet.  :)  Fun to see TJ as Freshman representative for Winter ball at ZHS.  

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Now this is chilly in Texas

 I was up and made coffee for family as they came to visit.  Nope, no pickleball. not at 4 seasons or at Fun n Sun.  God Siting:  Great phone call from Mandy.  She was on her way to work and shared that the interview that she had several weeks ago went well.  She wasn't sure how it went at the time.  We have been praying for God's perfect direction. It is always fun to see how God answers prayer. We know he will continue to lead as we put Him first in our lives.     We took Bruce's pickup to Lowe's and bought a new dryer and materials to make railing for steps into the trailer for Nancy.  They put in the dryer.  I went down and started a new puzzle and listened to my book.   At 5:20 Joyce drove us to sip and paint for Brownsville Historical Association.  It ws a fun night.  I painted a picture of the bunk house. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Golf/Pickleball party at Hendersons

Lovely slow day.  I dried about 3 loads of laundry at Gail's and stirred the maid rite meat.  They went golfing.  I listened to a lot of the book ... The Gentleman from Moscow.    At 2 we set up chairs for the 40 people who came at 4 for snacks and visiting.  Beautiful night.  

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Anabel died 10 years ago

I am so blessed to have Anabel in my life.   She was an amazing example for my life.  AND she raised a great son.  Thank you Jesus for Anabel Johnson, Denny's mom.  

Denny got up at 3:30 and put 2 pork butts on the smoker. I considered this morning how much Denny loves to use the smoker.  That husband of mine loves to sleep in the morning.  AND he gladly got up in the wee hours of the morning to get the meat started.   Denny never fails to astound me.   I played pickleball with Bruces and Gail.  It was really fun!!   We just kept plugging away on getting ready for smoked pork on the deck for friends.  Gail woke me up from my nap at 1:35 and we got all chairs, etc. in place.  About 4 friends came to visit under the carport.  Bill&Kathy, Joyce&Brad, Fay&Jerry,Gail& Bruce, Jean&Arlan, Kathy&John, Bruce&Nancy, and I called Mert and she also joined us.  She hadn't gotten me text before.  It was  great meal.. fun.  AT 7 we went to the Hall and watched Rusty Riesler.  Nice night.  We cleaned up and loaded the dishwasher after we got home.  

Monday, January 17, 2022

Full Day

I got up early and we went to Texas Thrift, Gail, Jean, Mert and me.  Next was show and tell with Nancy and Denny of treasures we had gotten.    Next was pickle ball, then at 10:30 8 of us gals went to Brownsville Golf Center and played a 9 hole scramble.   Of course, life isn't simple.  Gail's car had a flat tire, so quick change of plans and I drove and gave Gail, Jean and Joyce a ride.  It was a beautiful morning/afternoon.  We stopped at C&C before going back to the park.  Denny as home from fishing with Brad at Boca Chica beach.  Denny was working on putting a rub on the pork butt for tomorrow evening.  .  He is going to smoke it for about 18 people.  He also made onions to smoke with bacon chips in-between the onion pedals.  I gave Bruce a ride to get his car with the tire fixed, Gail and I went thrifting again.  Bruce came over after he had been to Walmart.  


Sunday, January 16, 2022

Chilly, but turned out great!!

39 degrees, now that's chilly for Texas.  We went to church.  Pastor John is in the hospital with Covid.  We went to Walmart after church.  I played Pickle ball after we got home and all the goods put away.  I worked on the puzzle listening to the Gentleman in Moscow.  Arlan fixed pork chops on our grill and Jean set the table.  Joyce and Brad came for supper and we visited with them while Jean, Nancy and Arlan went to Trivia.  Our kids were together in Zimmerman.  It looked like fun in the snow.    

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Windy!!!! WINDY!!

WINDY!!!    Gail and I went to yoga.  It was 60 degrees and as we did our practice the wind picked up, our mats flew away, and it was still enjoyable.  I got 2 loaves of bread at the Farmer's market.  Denny had gone to coffee and donuts and filled us in on the upcoming activities after we got home.  Playing pickleball was so funny with the balls being blown all over by the wind.   After PB I started to listen to the audiobook The Man from Moscow as I worked for over an hour on a puzzle.  I'm not sure I can relate to the aristocrat, but the importance of manners was emphasized.  I am SO bad at this puzzle.  I picked up one piece at a time, and tired to find the place it goes as I examine the picture of the completed puzzle.  Then tried to find it in the actual puzzle.  Gail and I went to Kathy and Johny's and I got a lamp for Denny's side of the bed.  We played Joker at Gail and Bruce's at 3.  Pizza and ham sandwiches for supper.  Denny spent the afternoon deleting/unsubscribing emails.

Friday, January 14, 2022

To the Island

Goal is to finish the book, Nightingale.  I finished it but, didn't get to the island.  I went to the card room and finished listening to Nightingale.  It was a good book, with an ending that tied it all together.  Great read.  Denny was cleaning the trailer.  Jean had gotten fish/shrimp dinner at Gordon's and we shared it for lunch.  At 3 I played PB with Gail, Sandy and Bill.  Bill R. came over to visit and so did Bruce.  It was a beautiful sunset and evening on the deck.  We watched Bull afterward.  


Thursday, January 13, 2022

Great weather

 I just got up before PB at 8.  Then I listened to my book and did the exciting job of putting together a puzzle in the card room.  We are asked to wear masks in the buildings' cause of covid in the park.  Denny and I went to the pool and I listened to the book some more.   We came home and had snacks on the deck ...  beautiful afternoon 75 degrees.  Denny drilled some holes in the roots of the gone-tree and put tordon in the holes.