Thursday, January 6, 2022

Fishing and foggy

Denny had another early morning.  Uffda!!  They left about 6 to go fishing out in the gulf.  I chilled, drank coffee and waited for pickle ball.    Fay called and said that Jerry tested positive.  I played 18 holes of golf with him yesterday, so I plan to kinda lay low for a couple days.  Tom got his U haul loaded and Kathy and Bill left to drive it to Omaha.  I am taking cold medicine and feel pretty good.  We had dutch oven bread, ham slices, cheese on the deck.  I worked on editing the 2021 Blog, because there was a 45% off coupon I could use if I can submit it by midnight.  I called Luann this morning to find out what color book I need to order for 2021.  I also had her sent me a picture of the acknowledgment that I use in the books.  Well, I worked on it ... Denny helped me put the book on the credit card and Uffda!! I did get it done!!  

A cool God citing today was when I was talking to Luann.  She said that she had gotten up early this morning.  Lois, her mom, was flying to Florida to stay with Lynn for a couple months.  Meg was flying with her Grandma and would leave Florida for college in California after a week or so.  Luann said that she had gotten up early because  she wanted to check and make sure that everything was ready for Lois and Meg to go.  Sure enough after they got to the airport Luann got the call that Lois had forgotten her purse.  Luann sent some pictures of her ID.  Uffda!!  I prayed with her that everything would turn out ok.  Later that morning Luann texted me later and said she got a phone call saying that they had let Lois on the plane.  Thank you Jesus!!


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