Thursday, January 20, 2022

Now this is chilly in Texas

 I was up and made coffee for family as they came to visit.  Nope, no pickleball. not at 4 seasons or at Fun n Sun.  God Siting:  Great phone call from Mandy.  She was on her way to work and shared that the interview that she had several weeks ago went well.  She wasn't sure how it went at the time.  We have been praying for God's perfect direction. It is always fun to see how God answers prayer. We know he will continue to lead as we put Him first in our lives.     We took Bruce's pickup to Lowe's and bought a new dryer and materials to make railing for steps into the trailer for Nancy.  They put in the dryer.  I went down and started a new puzzle and listened to my book.   At 5:20 Joyce drove us to sip and paint for Brownsville Historical Association.  It ws a fun night.  I painted a picture of the bunk house. 

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