Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Crabbing early in the morning.

I slept terrible with a cold and thoughts about getting up early for crabbing.  It was a fun early morning.  They didn't get lots of crabs, but the water was low.  Bruce H. brought his bike out to where we were and Gail and I drove home around 10.  Ladies had lunch today at Red Lobster. I rode with Jean and Nancy.  Denny and I both took naps then walked 2 times around the park.  We stopped at Schrums and Arlen fixed us supper.  At home we watched Wyatt Earp.  Missy called and I was so good to talk to her.   God Citing:  Missy was telling us all about her trip.  They had flown back to K from P.  She was really wondering how they would get back home from the airport.  Would it take 2 taxis? Or could they squeeze in one with all their luggage, etc.  God to the rescue.  They saw an administrator/friend from school.  He was heading back to C. Homes and they could ride with him.  Thank you, Jesus!!  Earlier this year that guy's family had stayed in their home while they were in the States.  Biblical truth: You reap what you sow.  



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