Monday, January 17, 2022

Full Day

I got up early and we went to Texas Thrift, Gail, Jean, Mert and me.  Next was show and tell with Nancy and Denny of treasures we had gotten.    Next was pickle ball, then at 10:30 8 of us gals went to Brownsville Golf Center and played a 9 hole scramble.   Of course, life isn't simple.  Gail's car had a flat tire, so quick change of plans and I drove and gave Gail, Jean and Joyce a ride.  It was a beautiful morning/afternoon.  We stopped at C&C before going back to the park.  Denny as home from fishing with Brad at Boca Chica beach.  Denny was working on putting a rub on the pork butt for tomorrow evening.  .  He is going to smoke it for about 18 people.  He also made onions to smoke with bacon chips in-between the onion pedals.  I gave Bruce a ride to get his car with the tire fixed, Gail and I went thrifting again.  Bruce came over after he had been to Walmart.  


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