Sunday, January 9, 2022

Church and 77 Market???

 Up at 5 for devo.   "Privilege to be allowed to make up for the hurt we've done in our lives." A Step of Faith    Richard Paul Evans    Allen Christopherson's diary.  Denny and I went to 77 market after church.  Nancy had fixed salad and potatoes/vegtable tin foil packets for supper.  Denny grilled some meat and we ate after 4 of us played pool. I brought  New to the  park-ers John and Kerry to visit and meet the family.  God citing:  When we were in Walmart looking for a bike stand there was a guy with a t shirt that said .... God lights our way.  He heard me say this kickstand is adjustable up to 29 inches and he needed at kick stand that size.  He was the pastor for the Tent city church, whatever that is.   They are purchasing land in next 90 days.  It was fun to hear how God was working in their ministry as they serve and feed homeless etc. 


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