Friday, January 21, 2022

Another cold and rainy

 I stayed in bed until 8.   We had a phone call from Missy.  Denny was still talking to Missy when I left to go and play pickle ball at Fun N Sun.  Meg checked us in.  It was really fun playing with 2 Bruces, Gail and Meg.  She invited us to lunch at her park model afterward.  So nice.  When we got home I napped.  Denny put the hand rail on the steps that go up to our from door.  We went to watch the horse races.  All together we are ahead about $10.  Hurrah for #6!!!  I got 14.75 from a 1.50 bet.  :)  Fun to see TJ as Freshman representative for Winter ball at ZHS.  

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