Monday, January 31, 2022

Too rainy for pickleball

 The deck was wet when I got up.  I finished the book The Return of the King by JRR Tolkien.  Not my favorite book, but I got it done.  At 10 I went with Fay to Hobby Lobby to look around.  We moved the tv around in the bedroom to try out a different floor arrangement.  We composed a letter to a prospective airbnber.  I started to go to a memorial service at church only to realize a tire was flat.  Denny got it filled with air and I went late.  I also sorted bags of clothes at church for the March garage sale.  At home Denny was happy.  He used the last of the tools that he had brought to Texas.  Bill asked to use the brad gun.  Two happy guys.  Denny washed the car after I got home.   He cleaned it in the car port while I am working on this blog, with mango salsa and a cold drink.  It is nice and warm.  

                                                                       picture from 2015

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