Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tues Feb 2 695

2/2/10 Pretty soon she will be two. I went for coffee with Howard and Anabel before heading to the unit. The feed truck was there and I didn't want to park in its way. Most of the regular parking places are taken by snow drifts. I went in to Ida Grove about 4 pm and got some groceries. Denny stopped at the unit on the way home from the bank and did a walk thru. This afternoon Malcolms came to access the damage to the microwave and washing machine that went out during the ice storm. Last week the folks took the computers down to Denison to get them fixed. The power surges took them out, too. It may be a while until there are more pictures on the blog. I put these pictures in blog sight drafts from Jan 14 to Feb. 2. I need to go and recheck the Moms before heading to bed. We've been praying for Jenny H. as she had surgury at Mayo today.

Mon Feb 1

2/1/10 I went to coffee at the folks before going back to the old grind. The computers are fixed, but I don't have access to the pictures, so here goes with the same old, same old. Not the best day at the unit. I have to check my attitude ... no longer on vacation ... Sows are back having babies. Thankful to be back raising piggees, but I could use your prayers. I have so much to be grateful for. Why do I have the desire to complain?

Sun Jan 31 650

1/31/10 Pretty fun to be in Saint Joe with the little ones. We went to church with Matt and Becky. Their SS class has a brunch and fellowship the last Sunday of the month. We ate yummy food and got on ther road again. Got home to Atlantic about 12 noon. Denny came down to get me after he went to church in Arthur. We got home to the farm about 4. Quick rest and we went to prayer meeeting at 6. Good to be home with my husband. I sure missed him.

Sat Jan 30

1/30/10 Left about 5:40 am to head north. Arrived in St. Joe, Missouri about 11pm . Bruce drove 2-3 hours ... Stop at Mc Donalds ..Faith drove 2-3 hours ... Stop at McDonalds ... Bruce drove 2-3 hours ... Stop at Mc Donalds ...Gail drove 2-3 hours (around Oklahome City) ...Stop at Arbi's ... Bruce drove 2-3 hours ... Stop at a gas station ...Faith drove 2-3 hours to St Joe. Stay overnight at Matt and Becky's

Fri Jan 29 625

1/29/10 Last year playing cards. Today we mainly got things packed up. A nice lazy slow day. Fill a suitcase ... move it out under the car port. Nancy's friends came on the 7 pm flight.

Thur Jan 28

1/28/10 Gail and I went to Yoga this am. It has been fun to go these 4 times. I perhaps will try and go to one taught by Joyce S at the rec center. We cleaned this am. Washed window, washed rugs, cleaned sinks, and spray cleaned carpets. Good to get it freshened up. I went to Bible Study at the community center at 11. We spent some time in the hot tub and hope to have dock talk again tonight. Gotta love sunset on the dock. So much to be thankful for.

Wed Jan 27 545

1/27/10 In the morning Gail and Bruce went to golf in Port Isabel. Nancy, Jean and I "putsed" around and went to Wal-Mart shopping for a smoke alarm, saran wrap and Wet rid. We also started on a silk scarves. About 1:30 I went with Gloria and Elaine to to the show "Extraordinary Measures". It was very good. I would recommend it to anyone. Jean and Nancy joined the Hendersons for a boat ride to see dolphins and have shrimp supper on the Pier. I made pillow cases for the second bedroom and we got pictures hung in there. Great DITV. Denny has electricity on the farm. They had Awana tonight. Some appliances are on the blink with the power surges. Last night when he got home at 7 pm the feed truck was stuck on the snow north of our home. Just what he wanted to do after putting in a full day at the bank. He is calling it an " Adventure". It gives the last coupolel weeks a more positive title. Praise the Lord in all things!

Tues Jan 26

1/26/10 Gail and I went to yoga at Gold's gym. Then off to Progresso, Mexico we went.
Some one asked Bruce how he was getting along with all the gals, I can't remember his retort, but it was funny. Kinda of ... you had to be there. You can about imagine, knowing Bruce. Funny, but not something that you would never forget. Last Sunday when we were on the island Gail and I found starfish that had washed up onto the beach. Only a few made it back to the deck to dry off. I had carried both hers and mine but not carefully enough. Gail said it was too bad that none of mine made it. At night we went to the show, It's Complicated.

Mon Jan 25 495

1/25/10 Mandy and I were up early to do the P90X workout. Actually, I just go thru the motions, she exercises. We went to the airport to get her boarding pass, then home to shower. She hadn't played shuffleboard so Gail, Jean and Bruce joined us in a game. She left at 11. On Saturday at the Donna flea market she got a brown cowboy hat. It was too big to pack so she wore it on the plane. She called from Denver and said when she was getting ready to leave the plane she packed up and was on her way down the terminal and remembered...ooops no hat. She retraced her steps on the 2 moving walkways back to the desk area, They radioed the plane and 2 groups of people finally found the forgotten hat. Exit one happy gal with big brown hat. It was so nice to have her in Brownsville!! LOL Poor Denny and Iowa Weather NOT LOL. He got stuck driving to work this am. Curt L came and pulled him out with the tractor. So Denny worked at the unit all day. Another great day of vacation. Still no constant electricity, plus furnace blown out, microwave blown out. upstairs washer not working, computer screen out. Praise the Lord we have a generator that is run by the tractor. and small space heaters to keep the bedroom warm. The sisters went shopping after lunch. Together we got 5 sets of sheets and a bedroom comforter set for the big bedroom. We really like it.

Sun Jan 24

1/24/10 Happy Birthday Justine and Katola!! We went to 8:30 church in Port Isabelle. Then to eat breakfast at the Grapevine in SPI. It was really windy...about 65-70 degrees...we walked at the beach and read in the sun, but didn't spend too much time there. Of course, we shopped a little at the Island then headed north to a game preserve. Nancy bought us all a hour and a half ride on a nature loving tram complete with tour guide. When we got home we had left overs for supper. Mandy finished reading the book Girls from Ames and we went up and played Bingo. It was great fun. Mandy started a P90X workout program and we went to the club house and did an hour of exercise before going to the hot tub with the sisters. The week has not been good for Denny or Bruce. The weather is crappy in Iowa for Denny and since I got here Bruce has lost his cell phone (and found it run over) and backed into his bike (tonight) and cut his foot at the beach today. But for me is was a GDITV.

Sat Jan 23 457

1/23/10 12 years ago Mandy was in Brownsville with me. The guy she was playing cards with was Gail's partner for shuffle board on Thursday. Today we lounged around until 10 and when we went and got Jean at the airport. Then off to the Donna Flea Market. I bought a French knife for cutting vegtables, and a couple gifts, Mandy got a cowboy hat. Back at the park we read in the sun. At 5 there was dock talk. Great chicken fajita supper and we all went to a show. GDITV!!

I didn't talk to Denny much today. It sounded like a rerun of keeping the generators running and trying to stay on slippery roads. uffta

Fri Jan 22

1/22/10 We had thought about going to Gold's...but instead Mandy slept til 11. After working 3 12 hour nights on Mon, Tues, Wed. and traveling Thurs... she needed the sleep. G&B went golfing. I read a book, The Girls from Ames by Zaslow. It was a good book. About 1-3 Mandy and I went to the pool just to be in the nice sunny weather. YEA!! Jack came down to the deck and helped Mandy learn the 2 step. At 5 there was a fried chicken dinner for American Days. GB&N played bridge. Mandy and I watched dancing and card playing.

Back home the time was not so nice. The Arthur bank didn't have electricity and Denny went home at 3"30 to find no electricity at the folks, the unit, or at our home. He spent the rest of the night getting all 3 generators working and filled with fuel. He had to get up around midnight and shut off the tractor that runs our generator and refill. Long night. Not a great day in Iowa, but a GDITV

Thur Jan 21 422

1/21/10 Gail and I went to Yoga at Gold's gym at 8:30. We got a few groceries at HERE'S THE BEST!! HEB grocery store. We raked the leaves off the back yard and put them out front for Tao to pick up. Gail had heard that snakes like to reside in leaves. With lots of leaves back there we figured that fewer leaves would be better. Texas is suppose to be very good for bird watching (and snake watching). I guess there a lot of different varieties...but we are not interested in any reptile watching, hence "goodbye" leaves. Gail was in a shuffle board tourney for American days. I've been here when there has been Canadian days other years. The American Days have tourney in Shuffleboard, Darts, Horseshoes, Pool, etc. Cummulating with a fried chicken dinner tomorrow night, which we have tickets for. Mandy got into the airport about 4:15, We came home and she looked at the schedule for Gold's so we went to a power pump class at 5:45 and stayed for part of a exercise jam class. Gail and Bruce went to get Nancy at 7. We all came home for supper and then to the hot tub...and to bed. The power is back on in Odebolt, so we lost our family in the basement at the farm. I guess the roads still have a inch of ice on them. Yesterday the icy gravel hills on 300th street caused Mark and Barb H. to slide in the ditch going up the hill right off Highway 59. They slowed down and the vehicles slid backwards into the ditch. Shannon came with his tractor, chains, and loader. Denny brought the pick up in from the west, started to meet the same demise and ended up parking down by the highway. He walked up the ditch, because you couldn't walk up the road. He made lots of trips from tractor with chains to cars in ditch, crawling thru snow. Everyone finally got out and home. Pretty much tuckered Denny out.

Wed. Jan 20

1/20/10 I called Denny to talk to him before he went to work. There was a huge icestorm in Iowa. No school. In fact no electricity in Arthur or Odebolt, so Stangls are spending the night at our home. Mark drained the water pipes in their home and brought his family to the farm. The electricty may be off 36-72 hours. In the Valley we were plagued with inclimate weather, too. It was SO windy that we had hard time golfing in the 70 degree morning. I shot a 50 and 51. Not good, but so much better because I hit balls on the driving range yesterday. About 3 I went to Mary Gene's home. I had told her I would come and help her with something she would like done. We washed the outside windows. Then to the dock for dock talk, and Gold's gym for some Power pump class, and home for stir fried supper. GDINV, not so hot day in icey Iowa.

Tues Jan 19 383

1/19/10 Warm foggy 70 degrees this am. Denny said it was foggy on the way to Arthur too, but 19 degrees. At 8 am Bruce went to Port Isabelle to go to a meeting so he could be a substitute teacher. Gail and I went to yoga at Gold's Gym. Gail got me a weeks free pass to go there. Then back to 4 Seasons for line dancing. Coffee at Gloria's, lunch at Mollers in Port Isabelle. About 5 pm I hit some shag balls at a driving range, It didn't seem like it improved my shots at all. Oh well, My motto is enjoy what you do...even if you don't do it well. At 7, I went to a class on the waltz and Texas 2 step. Some day maybe Denny and I can dance. GDITV

Mon Jan 18

1/18/10 Let's see, if I don't write in this right away I forget what I have done in this busy land where there is little to do and nothing that has to be done. I did power walking at 8 am. Then coffee at Gloria's. Bruce and Gail went to get a new cell phone to replace the one he lost. Bummer. At 10 I went and painted potato chunks that had been strung on a straightened clothes hanger and dried to use for beads on a necklace...They are suppose to look like turquoise...yeah right. I'll believe it when I see it. I went to a nearby church with 3 other painters to sort out food for a food pantry, but the truck didn't show up. B,G and I went golfing about 1:30. Terrible wound...I misspelled round, but it really was a wound. 58, I think. 2 balls in the water. 3, no 4, balls that hit roofs, etc. of houses that line the course. One ball they got out of the yard by distracting the dog away from the ball and pulling the ball through the fence.
Good to be done with that round, but I did enjoy golfing and signed up to play Wed. Pot luck supper and ponytail canasta cards and hot tub at night. Good day in the valley

Sun Jan 17

1/17/10 We went to Fishers of Men Lutheran Church in Port Isabelle at 8:30 this am. I called Evelyn and Jim M. and we met them a Denny's for lunch at 10. Then to South Padre Island to walk the beach and sit in the sun for about 3 hours. We found starfish that had washed up on the shore. That's a first for me. Of course, there were a couple games of Ticket when we got home. Don't think I will ever win, but if I do you will know. Denny's wondering who will work with me when I come back and we start to farrow again the first of Feb...Mandy, are you interested? You look pretty good in the uniform. I'm headed to the hot tub with the other 2 now. Great day in the Valley! Would be so much better if the good looking guy on the left was here, too. Miss you.

Sat Jan 16 285

1/16/10 There was a garage sale in the community hall from 7-11. We took Nancy's car to WalMart to get a new battery. Then to WW. I made weight. Then to 77 Flea Market. We got some great fruits and vegetables - watermelon, pineapple, cauliflower, cukes, tomatoes, jicama, celery, peppers, carrots, Hopefully, we'll eat it rather than junk food. The huge tree between the deck and the water is loosing leaves. It kinda looks dead. I don't know is they shed leaves in the spring. I can't remember leaves falling when we visitied Mom. Hope it is not dead. I don't know how to find out. I guess just ask. But I don't want to alert management until we have to. The trailer park "family" has quite a few opinions on everything and it would quite a point of discussion. The tree would be a bear to take out because if it falls in the water it would break the dock. If it heads to the trailer. OUCH! One thing about the ditch tree, it didn't loose too many leaves. Also the tree didn't fall down on the house when we cut it down. But it was brown colored. The weather is windy and about 60. Gail and I went to the show The Blind Side. It was really good. Bruce didn't want to see that show the second time so he went to a different show. Hot tub when we got home.

Fri Jan 15

1/15/10 Good day in the valley. Kinda like a gift from Santa. Gail and I walked to Walmart before 7am. Then I swept off the dock. At 8 we joined a walking video exercise class. There were about 35 there. It was good to be a part of so many older folks moving and seeing the importance of walking. At 9 we walked past Gloria's and got a cup of coffee. Elaine came to the trailer later in the am and we played a game of Agrivation. 2 decks of cards. Kind of like rummy cube. Where you can shift others sets around... always leaving at least 3 in a group. Bruce went golfing a shot a 81. After lunch the 3 of us played Ticket to ride. Gail and I went to check out where the WW meets tomorrow and shop a little. The pool was 80 degrees when we came back. Gail got a DVD player at the park garage sale. I got some glasses. Bruce was working on getting a battery for Nancy's car. After supper, bridge for Hendersons and Mexican Train for me in the club house. Brad Henderson has taken a job in Denver that starts the middle of Feb. He interviewed in Dec. and planned to interview in another state, but weather set the plans back. When he got an offer from Denver, he just took it.

Thur Jan 14 271

1/14/10 I didn't sleep very well this am. I was putting some random pictures on this site for all the days I will be in Brownsville. That way I can just use Bruce's notebook and update the blog. I did that until about 12:30 am. Then up at 3 am. Two months ago when I made this flight reservation I called Lynn S. to see if she was flying out of Omaha any day in Jan so I could catch a ride with her to the airport. Her flight was at 7 and so we left at 4 am. So good just to be able to ride down with her and Toshi. No car to worry about for 2 weeks in the airport. No one else bothered with driving me down. My flight left at 10, It was a noneventful ride to St. Louis...then to Houston on the same plane. There was a 2 hour layover. The flight to Harlingen left at 4. We were over Harlingen and the pilot said that the weather was bad there. He was going to circle the airport and see if the weather would clear up. Otherwise he was going back to Houston. Praise the Lord the weather cleared up. Gail and Bruce were there to meet me. Rainy, but WARM, maybe 60 degrees. We used Garmin a little to get to 4 Seasons. Crock pot supper of roast, potatoes, carrots. YUM I left roast in the crock pot for Denny, too. Watched Pretty Lady on TV, lots of commercials. B&G went to the hot tub, I called Denny, We were out on the deck for a short time before it started to rain. Beautiful night. So glad I didn't have to fly back to Houston. Thankful I made it down here safely.

Wed. Jan 13

1/13/10 After Denny left for work I finished making 2 more pairs of mittens. About 10 I went to Kim L.'s and had coffee and let her choose a pair. I knew that she would like them...She Know and loves Nancy and she likes home spun things. I was right... She loved them. I went to Carroll from there and took a lot of stuff to the thrift/donation store. WW is longer meeting there on Wednesdays, so I couldn't weigh in. I may try to do it in Texas. I should be able to call and use the Carmin the Garmin to find the place. I'll just not be able to eat very much before then. Bummer. I stopped at the folks before going home. At Awana tonight Mike B. talked about Jim G. and the Gideons during counsel time. What a strong witness for Christ Jim was! He is missed. I asked the Don and Peggy to join us for supper before Awana in the church kitchen. When I got home I had a kitchen to clean, sewing machine to put away, and bags to pack. It took a while. Toshi and Lynn are coming at 4 to take me to the airport. Texas here I come!!

Tues Jan 12

1/12/10 I went to coffee at the folks. They are getting flights to visit Denver. At home I got stuff laid out to pack and mainly "putzed" around. That's Jeans word for not getting much done, but keeping busy going from one project to another, a little here, a little there,not big accomplishments, No project crossed off the list. I started sewing on wool mittens that Nancy had given us the pattern and material for. They really turned out cute. I went into IG about 4:30. Motorcycle meeting at 5;30 and home school meeting at 7. We went to new pizza place after 1st meeting. Denny had a day at bank. Wiring needs to be put in for hook up in break room. Picture is of Luke showing Denny has new notebook and GPS on his telephone Sunday morning. We had part in purchasing both. MERRY CHRISTMAS, Luke.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Mon Jan 11 150

1/11/10 I have been working on photo albums. Stuff has been spread out on the living room floor since last Wed. This afternoon I got done putting all the loose pictures, etc. in books. The next step (some time) is putting 2008-2009 pictures on publisher pages and getting more 3 sided sheet protectors. Then I cleaned the house, made supper, and started to get things ready to pack for Texas. See my pretty bed. I refinished it this fall, but there was no way to put the double bed head and foot on a queen size mattress. Denny had plywood down in the basement to put around the dishwasher that Howard and Anabel gave him. I suggested that he should run the washer to make sure it worked before putting plywood box around it. Well, the dishwasher didn't work right. Bummer!! But as long as he had the plywood down there...would he try and make a 6" x 80" box around the mattress and screw the head and foot in place? Yes, he would try...and YES he did it. I am always amazed at what he can do. He still hasn't given up on getting the dw running. Poor Luke, when he came overnight he "got" to see all we've been doing. Even the 10 3 ring binders I've filled with scrapbook stuff. Sunday am I also got 2 plants ready to send to Karen. Truthfully, I had talked to her about an asparagus fern plant, but in the end I couldn't part with it. I had babied it along since this summer and I was too selfish to share it. Now that's a honest, but sad state of affairs. I put some asparagus ferns with an airplane plant in a pot that should go well in the chicken basket (which will hopefully give protection from the kitty). I also gave her a second airplane plant.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sun Jan 10

1/10/10 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANDY!!! Hope you have a great day!!
It was great to have Luke home last night. He and Goldsmiths arrived in Omaha from Cancun about 8 pm. Before he headed out we had coffee with him this am. We went to church and afterwards got groceries with the gift card from returning batteries at Pamida. What a stitch! We had $31 something on the card. I knew we were close to that amount when Denny checked out. I picked out 2 items, in case there was a little more on the card. Buying those 2 items we were 2 cents off from the credit amount. I couldn't have come any closer if I had a calculator. Naps in the afternoon and prayer service at night.

Sat Jan 9 75

1/09/10 What do you do on a snowy day? I just looked out the window as Denny pushed the piles around. Isn't the ditch tree pretty? I put it right outside the front door. Denny made it to work yesterday about 10 am. Larsons plowed out to the unit. He wanted a candle light dinner when he got a warm place. So I put the heater in the basement "cafe" and we had a nice visit with spinach/artichoke dip, marinated pork chops, & rice. This am Denny was fixing me breakfast about 5 am. Now that's a shocker!! He couldn't sleep and thought he would go into the bank early and work. Some one better practice their candle blowing. We needed help to get the candles we lite last night blown out. :) Denny came home about noon, quick nap, coffee at the folks, work in the basement. I can't believe it!! He made a frame to put the head and foot board on the bed in the blue room. Pictures to follow next week.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Fri Jan 8

1/8/10 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT!!! Denny is outside at 6 am working on getting our furnace running. He thinks perhaps the intake is clogged with snow. It was a frigid the first days of your life, too. May you always know how much the people around you love you. Look at that expression on Grandpa's face. Have a great day! You are loved.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thubrrrrrrrrrrrs Jan 7 2010 048

1/7/10 Cold, Windy, Snowy, Blizzard!!! Denny tried to make it to Arthur going north...NO east...NO west....NO. We worked at the unit today til noon. If he can't make it to work, it is a day of vacation. SO we vacationed. NOT my idea of a vacation. Hurrah!! The best news of the day!! Mandy is coming to Brownsville Jan 21-25 when I'm going to be there. Who's getting cake tomorrow?

He once was a little farmer boy.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wed Jan 6

1/6/10 No subbing today :( I started on the pictures that have been boxed up for several years. OUCH!! Not really fun. I can't see any progress being made. School got out at 1. No Awana tonight. It's snowing quite a bit and the wind is suppose to pick up. Not me, I'm not going any where. Missy reset my counter today. THANKS! I had coffee at the folks this am.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tues Jan 5 14280

1/5/10 This could be a ditto of yesterday. Early call to sub PE at HS. Rode in with Denny. Took Pickup to school. Shop aftewards. Took a nap at Arthur until Denny was ready to leave at 6:30. Home for fried eggs, and work on computer, and watch football. Very nice day subbing. Hope tomorrow is a ditto. In 9 days I'll be in Texas ...with my 3 sisters ... Jan 25-31. Lovely ladies in thrift store (or ropa) purple

Monday, January 4, 2010

Mon Jan 4

1/14/10 I got a call at 6:30 to sub for PE at the HS. Nice day. In the am I rode in to Arthur with Denny and then took the pickup to IG. After school I did a little shopping, got Phillip's shorts at the rec center, ordered pizza for supper, and got a haircut, then drove to get Denny at Arthur. He didn't get my message on his cell phone and didn't realize I wasn't going to be there until after 5:30. oooops

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sun Jan 3 14250

1/3/10 Church and SS. Pete H spoke during SS. We went to Bergman's at noon for a great meal with Brian & Jenny and A&E Lewis. Nice to sit and visit. Now it is time for clothes washing and some year end book work. Boy, is it snowy and cold. After church we prayed for Teresa P. who starts her cancer treatments Tues.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sat Jan 2

1/2/10 Well, I have been really liking my ditch tree. I have been driving along the road and looking for the 2010 tree. BUT NOW I AM AWARE OF A DOWNSIDE. When I went to take the tree down this am and touched the branches to remove the lights...a cloud of dust arose from every contact I made with the branches. It wasn't there when I put the cold wet tree in the living room, but I think about 20 years of road dust mushroomed up each time I touched the tree. I may have to rethink selection. Denny thought we could get it from a fence line NOT right by a gravel road. My thought was to spray it off before bringing it in. (Duh, in the winter, Faith?) Time will tell. I reached a personal goal, only three Christmas storage boxes full in the cold closet. I now have 3 empty red and green containers, PLUS 4 emplty containers from the furnace room clean out. It's kinda like money in the bank to have empty containers. I also went through my linen closet, straightened, organized, and got rid of some doilies, etc. Amazing what I have time for now I am not employed by Johnson Pork (and snowed in with no desire to go out on the cold icy roads). This afternoon we worked on reconciling check books with the bank. A movie at night and we're heading to bed.

Fri Jan 1 2010 14200

1/1/2010 Happy New Year!! We kinda slept in. Yesterday when Denny was at work I painted the furnace room's north and west walls. I knew I would be able to use up all of the blue paint from Evan's room, but I also had to use some of the living room paint. Now it doesn't look wonderful...but improved. This am I drove over to the folks to get some cream cheese to make ham roll ups. AND I got stuck at the end of their drive way. Denny was moving snow with the tractor at the unit so I waited for him to come and get me out. About 3 we went to Gordon and Sue's to watch the Rose bowl game. Sue graduated from Oregon. We had prime rib, baked potatoes, salads and dessert after the game. Nice to be out seeing people. I hadn't seen anyone since Sunday except Denny, his folks and Mark(15 min at unit).