1/18/10 Let's see, if I don't write in this right away I forget what I have done in this busy land where there is little to do and nothing that has to be done. I did power walking at 8 am. Then coffee at Gloria's. Bruce and Gail went to get a new cell phone to replace the one he lost. Bummer. At 10 I went and painted potato chunks that had been strung on a straightened clothes hanger and dried to use for beads on a necklace...They are suppose to look like turquoise...yeah right. I'll believe it when I see it. I went to a nearby church with 3 other painters to sort out food for a food pantry, but the truck didn't show up. B,G and I went golfing about 1:30. Terrible wound...I misspelled round, but it really was a wound. 58, I think. 2 balls in the water. 3, no 4, balls that hit roofs, etc. of houses that line the course. One ball they got out of the yard by distracting the dog away from the ball and pulling the ball through the fence.
Good to be done with that round, but I did enjoy golfing and signed up to play Wed. Pot luck supper and ponytail canasta cards and hot tub at night. Good day in the valley
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