Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tues Feb 2 695

2/2/10 Pretty soon she will be two. I went for coffee with Howard and Anabel before heading to the unit. The feed truck was there and I didn't want to park in its way. Most of the regular parking places are taken by snow drifts. I went in to Ida Grove about 4 pm and got some groceries. Denny stopped at the unit on the way home from the bank and did a walk thru. This afternoon Malcolms came to access the damage to the microwave and washing machine that went out during the ice storm. Last week the folks took the computers down to Denison to get them fixed. The power surges took them out, too. It may be a while until there are more pictures on the blog. I put these pictures in blog sight drafts from Jan 14 to Feb. 2. I need to go and recheck the Moms before heading to bed. We've been praying for Jenny H. as she had surgury at Mayo today.

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