Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fri Jan 15

1/15/10 Good day in the valley. Kinda like a gift from Santa. Gail and I walked to Walmart before 7am. Then I swept off the dock. At 8 we joined a walking video exercise class. There were about 35 there. It was good to be a part of so many older folks moving and seeing the importance of walking. At 9 we walked past Gloria's and got a cup of coffee. Elaine came to the trailer later in the am and we played a game of Agrivation. 2 decks of cards. Kind of like rummy cube. Where you can shift others sets around... always leaving at least 3 in a group. Bruce went golfing a shot a 81. After lunch the 3 of us played Ticket to ride. Gail and I went to check out where the WW meets tomorrow and shop a little. The pool was 80 degrees when we came back. Gail got a DVD player at the park garage sale. I got some glasses. Bruce was working on getting a battery for Nancy's car. After supper, bridge for Hendersons and Mexican Train for me in the club house. Brad Henderson has taken a job in Denver that starts the middle of Feb. He interviewed in Dec. and planned to interview in another state, but weather set the plans back. When he got an offer from Denver, he just took it.

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