Friday, February 19, 2010

Fri Feb 19

2/19/10 No torture report. The day with 5 and 6 year olds went well. Of course you realize I did do a lot of shoe tieing and coat zipping. But I had forgotten that kindergartners have 2 -20 minute recesses ... plus 5 minutes on either side for getting on and taking off snow clothes. There was a 30 minutes time on individual computers in the computer lab. A reading aid came in and read to them for 20 minutes. Noon hour and recess was 60 minutes. We worked on 4 centers (each for 15 minutes) for an hour, Plus a 45 minute rest period ... and 15 minute snack time after the afternoon recess. And because the principal was in such dire need of me (the 8th sub for the building today) he found some one to cover so I could make my 3pm doctor's appointment. Ya, I would say the day went okay. The one student who previously at times would put his head in his shirt and withdrawal (only to be taken to the office until he was ready to join the class) ... and last week the same student just took off running after recess (had to call the police to locate him) was a model student for me. How about those apples? I do luck out sometimes. I fed the sows about 5 am. Then to school. After school Dr. appointment. To the unit to feed sows. Then to Arthur and IG. We met the sow owners at the Pizza Hut. Got home about 10. Always stand in the need of prayer for God's wisdom and guidance.

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