Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wed. Feb 24 1475

2/24/10 Another full day. Makes you want to just sit back and enjoy watching the work (and world) go by. Torren and his big wheels, Me and my pickup. I took the truck up to the unit about 6:30 am. We shipped out 890 pigs today 13.57 #. Washed 3 rooms. Denny brought us pizza. Nick and Mark were there for lunch. Jon S. helped count and move pigs then he went to school. I gave Denny a ride back to Arthur. Yesterday the bank guy we were talking to said we might as well use the bank car. Denny brought it home tonight. Locked the keys and all his bags in the car. Opps. After Awana the deacons (and Susan and I) went to the hospital and prayed with Teresa and Bob. She's had quite a battle. My heart goes out to those in combat with cancer. Pray also for Jenny H., Becky's mom, who was to have her first Chemo today. When those we love struggle with major health issues all, the minor problems of life pale in importance. I thank God I can work my buns off at the unit. We take so much for granted. It's people that are important and our relationship to the God of the universe. May my friends going through tough times feel His closeness in the midst of their deep waters of life.

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