Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fri Feb 26

2/26/10 I went for a quick cup of coffee at the folks. I left the unit about 9 for a home school meeting at the EEC. While I was getting ready the HS pricipal called to see if I could sub this afternoon. Sure can. It was in the resource room. I stopped by the IG library to return a DVD that Denny and I had watched. They had ordered a book that I wanted to read. Michael Perry is the authur. I read his book Coop while I was in Brownsville. I ordered 485 to read now. I would laugh out loud when I read the Coop, much to Mandy's dismay. She was reading The Girls of Ames and didn't like my interruptions. Thanks, Nancy, for being a librarian and bringing good books to B'ville. When I got home from school I went to the unit. After Denny got home visited and ate salads in the basement cafe.

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